201. Risks and Security of Internet and Systems :
Author: edited by Nora Cuppens, Frédéric Cuppens, Jean-Louis Lanet, Axel Legay, Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Computer networks-- Security measures, Congresses.,Internet-- Security measures, Congresses.,Artificial intelligence.,Artificial intelligence.,Coding theory & cryptology.,Computer science.,Computers-- Expert Systems.,Computers-- Information Technology.,Computers-- Intelligence (AI) & Semantics.,Computers-- Security-- General.,Computers-- Social Aspects-- Human-Computer Interaction.,Computers-- Software Development & Engineering-- General.,Computers, Special purpose.,Computers.,Data encryption (Computer science),Expert systems-- knowledge-based systems.,Information retrieval.,Information technology: general issues.,Software engineering.,Software Engineering.
Classification :

202. Runtime verification :
Author: Christian Colombo, Martin Leucker (eds.).
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Computer software-- Testing, Congresses.,Computer software-- Verification, Congresses.,Formal methods (Computer science), Congresses.,Computer programming-- software development.,Computer software-- Testing.,Computer software-- Verification.,Computers-- General.,Computers-- Hardware-- Handheld Devices.,Computers-- Programming-- General.,Computers-- Programming Languages-- General.,Computers-- Software Development & Engineering-- General.,Formal methods (Computer science),Information technology: general issues.,Mathematical theory of computation.,Mathematics-- Logic.,Programming & scripting languages: general.,Software Engineering.,Systems analysis & design.
Classification :

203. Science of cyber security :
Author: Feng Liu, Shouhuai Xu, Moti Yung (eds.).
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Computer security, Congresses.,Coding theory & cryptology.,Computer security.,Computer security.,Computers-- Hardware-- Network Hardware.,Computers-- Information Technology.,Computers-- Security-- General.,Computers-- Social Aspects-- General.,Ethical & social aspects of IT.,Information retrieval.,Network hardware.
Classification :

204. Scientific Computing and Cultural Heritage :
Author: edited by Hans Georg Bock, Willi Jager, Michael J. Winckler.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Human-computer interaction -- Congresses.,Human-computer interaction.,REFERENCE -- Questions & Answers.

205. Secure IT systems :
Author: Nils Gruschka (eds.).
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Computer security, Congresses.,Coding theory & cryptology.,Computer security.,Computer security.,Computers-- Hardware-- Network Hardware.,Computers-- Information Technology.,Computers-- Security-- General.,Computers-- Social Aspects-- General.,Ethical & social aspects of IT.,Information retrieval.,Law-- Science & Technology.,Legal aspects of IT.,Network hardware.
Classification :

206. Security and trust management :
Author: Sokratis K. Katsikas, Cristina Alcaraz (Eds.).
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Computer networks-- Security measures, Congresses.,Computer security, Congresses.,Data encryption (Computer science), Congresses.,Computer networks-- Security measures.,Computer programming-- software development.,Computer security.,Computer security.,Computers-- Hardware-- Network Hardware.,Computers-- Information Technology.,Computers-- Programming-- General.,Computers-- Security-- General.,Computers-- Social Aspects-- Human-Computer Interaction.,Computers-- Software Development & Engineering-- General.,Data encryption (Computer science),Information retrieval.,Information technology: general issues.,Network hardware.,Software Engineering.
Classification :

207. Security aspects in information technology :
Author: Marc Joye, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, Michael Tunstall (editions.)
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Computer networks-- Security measures, Congresses,Computer security, Congresses,Information technology-- Security measures, Congresses
Classification :

208. Security protocols XXVI :
Author: Vashek Matyáš, Petr Švenda, Frank Stajano, Bruce Christianson, Jonathan Anderson (eds.).
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Computer security, Congresses.,Artificial intelligence.,Computer security.,Computer security.,Computers-- Hardware-- Network Hardware.,Computers-- Information Technology.,Computers-- Intelligence (AI) & Semantics.,Computers-- Security-- General.,Computers-- Software Development & Engineering-- General.,Information retrieval.,Network hardware.,Software Engineering.
Classification :

209. Security standardisation research :
Author: Cas Cremers, Anja Lehmann (eds.).
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Computer security, Congresses.,Coding theory & cryptology.,Computer security.,Computer security.,Computers-- Information Technology.,Computers-- Programming Languages-- General.,Computers-- Security-- General.,Computers-- Software Development & Engineering-- General.,Information retrieval.,Programming & scripting languages: general.,Software Engineering.
Classification :

210. Security with intelligent computing and big-data services /
Author: Sheng-Lung Peng, Shiuh-Jeng Wang, Valentina Emilia Balas, Ming Zhao, editors.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Artificial intelligence, Congresses.,Big data, Congresses.,Computer security, Congresses.,Artificial intelligence.,Artificial intelligence.,Big data.,Computer security.,Computer security.,COMPUTERS-- Intelligence (AI) & Semantics.
Classification :

211. Semantic technology :
Author: Ryutaro Ichise, Freddy Lecue, Takahiro Kawamura, Dongyan Zhao, Stephen Muggleton, Kouji Kozaki (eds.).
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Data mining, Congresses.,Data warehousing, Congresses.,Linked data, Congresses.,Semantic computing, Congresses.,Artificial intelligence.,Computers-- Data Processing.,Computers-- Information Technology.,Computers-- Intelligence (AI) & Semantics.,Computers-- Speech & Audio Processing.,Computers-- System Administration-- Storage & Retrieval.,Data mining.,Data warehousing.,Information retrieval.,Linked data.,Mathematical theory of computation.,Mathematics-- Logic.,Natural language & machine translation.,Public administration.,Semantic computing.
Classification :

212. Semantic web challenges :
Author: Davide Buscaldi, Aldo Gangemi, Diego Reforgiato Recupero (eds.).
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Semantic Web, Congresses.,Artificial intelligence.,Computers-- Database Management-- Data Mining.,Computers-- Database Management-- General.,Computers-- Document Management.,Computers-- Information Technology.,Computers-- Intelligence (AI) & Semantics.,Computers-- System Administration-- Storage & Retrieval.,Data mining.,Databases.,Desktop publishing.,Information retrieval.,Semantic Web.
Classification :

213. Serious games :
Author: Stefan Göbel, Augusto Garcia-Agundez, Thomas Tregel, Minhua Ma, Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge, Manuel Oliveira, Tim Marsh, Polona Caserman (eds.).
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Computer games-- Design, Congresses.,Educational games, Congresses.,Game theory, Congresses.,Artificial intelligence.,Computer games-- Design.,Computers-- Computer Graphics.,Computers-- Data Processing.,Computers-- Intelligence (AI) & Semantics.,Computers-- User Interfaces.,Education-- Computers & Technology.,Educational equipment & technology, computer-aided learning (Calif.),Educational games.,Game theory.,Graphics programming.,Image processing.,Society & social sciences.,User interface design & usability.
Classification :

214. Signal and Information Processing, Networking and Computers :
Author: editors, Songlin Sun, Meixia Fu and Lexi Xu.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Computer networks, Congresses.,Information storage and retrieval systems, Congresses.,Information theory, Congresses.,Signal processing, Congresses.,Computer networks.,COMPUTERS-- Computer Literacy.,COMPUTERS-- Computer Science.,COMPUTERS-- Data Processing.,COMPUTERS-- Hardware-- General.,COMPUTERS-- Information Technology.,COMPUTERS-- Machine Theory.,COMPUTERS-- Reference.,Information storage and retrieval systems.,Information theory.,Signal processing.
Classification :

215. Signal and information processing, networking and computers :
Author: Songlin Sun, editor.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Computer networks, Congresses.,Information storage and retrieval systems, Congresses.,Information theory, Congresses.,Signal processing, Congresses.,Computer networks.,COMPUTERS / Computer Literacy,COMPUTERS / Computer Science,COMPUTERS / Data Processing,COMPUTERS / Hardware / General,COMPUTERS / Information Technology,COMPUTERS / Machine Theory,COMPUTERS / Reference,Information storage and retrieval systems.,Information theory.,Signal processing.
Classification :

216. Similarity search and applications :
Author: edited by Stéphane Marchand-Maillet, Yasin N. Silva, Edgar Chávez.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Data mining, Congresses.,Data structures (Computer science), Congresses.,Electronic information resource searching, Congresses.,Information retrieval, Congresses.,Metric spaces, Congresses.,Artificial intelligence.,Computers-- Computer Graphics.,Computers-- Database Management-- Data Mining.,Computers-- Information Technology.,Computers-- Intelligence (AI) & Semantics.,Computers-- System Administration-- Storage & Retrieval.,Data mining.,Data mining.,Data structures (Computer science),Electronic information resource searching.,Image processing.,Information retrieval.,Information retrieval.,Metric spaces.
Classification :

217. Smart Innovations in Communication and Computational Sciences :
Author: Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi, Munesh C. Trivedi, Krishn K. Mishra, Shailesh Tiwari, Pradeep Kumar Singh, editors.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Communication, Congresses.,Computers, Congresses.,Communication.,COMPUTERS-- Computer Literacy.,COMPUTERS-- Computer Science.,COMPUTERS-- Data Processing.,COMPUTERS-- Hardware-- General.,COMPUTERS-- Information Technology.,COMPUTERS-- Machine Theory.,COMPUTERS-- Reference.,Computers.
Classification :

218. Smart cities, green technologies, and intelligent transport systems :
Author: Brian Donnellan, Cornel Klein, Markus Helfert, Oleg Gusikhin, António Pascoal (eds.).
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: City planning-- Environmental aspects, Congresses.,Intelligent transportation systems, Congresses.,Sustainable urban development, Congresses.,Artificial intelligence.,City planning-- Environmental aspects.,Computer networking & communications.,Computers-- Data Processing.,Computers-- Hardware-- Network Hardware.,Computers-- Intelligence (AI) & Semantics.,Computers-- Online Services-- General.,Computers-- Social Aspects-- Human-Computer Interaction.,Information technology: general issues.,Intelligent transportation systems.,Mathematical theory of computation.,Network hardware.,Sustainable urban development.
Classification :

219. Smart energy research : at the crossroads of engineering, economics, and computer science : 3rd and 4th IFIP TC 12 International Conferences, SmartER Europe 2016 and 2017, Essen, Germany, February 16-18, 2016, and February 9, 2017, revised selected papers
Author: Derksen, Christian
Library: Library of Razi Metallurgical Research Center (Tehran)
Subject: Congresses ، Special purpose computers,Congresses ، Application software,، Computers, Special purpose -- Congresses
Classification :

220. Smart health :
Author: Hsinchun Chen, Qing Fang, Daniel Zeng, Jiang Wu (eds.).
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Artificial intelligence-- Medical applications, Congresses.,Medical informatics, Congresses.,Artificial intelligence-- Medical applications.,Artificial intelligence.,Computers-- Data Processing.,Computers-- Database Management-- Data Mining.,Computers-- Information Technology.,Computers-- Intelligence (AI) & Semantics.,Data mining.,Health & safety aspects of IT.,Information retrieval.,Medical equipment & techniques.,Medical-- General.,Medical informatics.,Society & social sciences.
Classification :